Priority One: Safety
Categories: Our Blog
With power tools, heavy weights and on-the-job vehicles, working at heights and in traffic zones, it’s not news that the construction industry is dangerous. (In fact, with 210 fatalities in 2012, construction is one of the most dangerous fields for US laborers.)
What is news is that the positive financial outlook in the construction industry has an unhappy side effect: an increase in on-the-job injury and fatality rates.
That means that, more than ever, safety needs to be the top priority for every construction industry company and contractor. Follow these tips to ensure the safety of your workers:
- Clearly communicate that safety is the top priority for every worker on the job.
- Communicate the company’s safety policies and procedures.
- Train workers in hazard identification.
- Check emergency equipment to ensure that it is working properly. Be sure that all workers know the location of emergency equipment, and how to operate it.
- Encourage all workers to contribute to workplace safety. Good “housekeeping” is everyone’s responsibility. is a service of Insurance Partners, Inc., which has been providing quality protection for contractors for more than 35 years. California contractors insurance specialists work with companies on everything from California general liability and California workers compensation insurance to contractor bonds and a “pay as you sell” liability insurance program designed especially for homebuilders. If you have questions about your contractor insurance coverage, contact us.