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Improving Your Organization’s Mental Health

It’s common knowledge that construction is one of the most dangerous industries in the United States. Usually when we broach the subject, we focus on the physical risks–but mental heath is also a big issue.It’s common knowledge that construction is one of the most dangerous industries in the United States. Usually when we broach the […]

Distracted Driving Awareness on the Job Site

Work injuries involving transportation incidents accounted for 40% of work-related deaths in 2016–and construction is one of the riskiest industries in the United States. That gives your construction business an excellent reason to observe Distracted Driving Awareness Month this April.


Brain Injury on the Construction Site

We all know it to be true: construction is one of the industries that puts its workers at highest risk for injury. So it probably isn’t surprising that workers in the construction industry are also at high risk for traumatic brain injury.