California Contractors Workers Compensation

Accidents happen. That’s why California contractors workers compensation insurance is so important. It not only supports employees who are injured on the job—it also keeps your company secure, providing protection against lawsuits resulting from workers’ on-the-job injury or illness.

When a workplace injury occurs, it doesn’t matter who is at fault for the incident: all employees are entitled to receive prompt treatment for illness or injury that happens on the job, and California contractors workers compensation insurance ensures that they will get it. california contractors workers compensation insurance

It’s the law for California-based businesses to have workers compensation insurance—but remember that workers comp doesn’t only protect workers. It also protects employers from being sued due to on-the-job injury or illness contracted by their employees in the workplace.

What Does California Contractors Workers Compensation Insurance Offer?

A California contractors workers comp policy includes two separate coverages: California workers comp and California employer’s liability. The California contractors worker’s compensation coverage applies to injury or disease resulting to the employee as a result of employment; employer’s liability protects the employer for employees’ work-related bodily injury that’s not compensable under workers comp.

California contractors workers compensation insurance is a requirement to do business in the Golden State—and it’s a great way to protect yourself, your company, and your employees in the event of accident or injury. To learn more about California workers compensation you can read this online guide.

There are a lot of points to consider when purchasing California workers compensation insurance, including your total payroll, the number of employee injuries and workers compensation claims, and whether you will report monthly or annually. But don’t worry about figuring it all out: that’s what we’re here for. You can rely on the California workers compensation insurance experts at to get you the best coverage for the lowest rates available, protecting your company and helping your employees feel safe.

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