Take Worker Safety to a Whole New Level

You’ve got builder’s risk insurance to protect your project in the event of a disaster—but what about your workers? Do they know what to do in the event of a lightning storm, a flash flood, an earthquake, or some other disaster?

Not to worry: Disaster Education and Awareness Month to the rescue!

July is the perfect time to remind your workers what steps they need to take if a disaster strikes while they’re on the job. But don’t stop there: urge them to take advantage of this month and be sure that they’ve got disaster preparedness covered at home, too.

The Red Cross phrases it well: Get a kit, make a plan, stay informed. Those three simple steps can carry your team a long way toward safety in the aftermath of a disaster.

Get a Kit

Each person’s disaster preparedness will be unique—but there are some broad categories that all disaster kits should cover: food, water, first aid and medication, tools, and personal documents. A kit should include supplies for every member of the family, including pets. Putting kits together is an easy weekend project… especially if you share these ideas with your workers beforehand.

Make a Plan

A kit is a great first step, but it will only take your workers so far. If a disaster strikes, they’ll need to have a way to connect with their loved ones—and they may not be able to arrange a meeting by phone. Choosing a meeting location in advance, and making decisions about what everyone should do if they are not able to travel or communicate, is key. These suggestions will help make a powerful post-disaster plan.

Stay informed

Before a disaster strikes, current news can help people make important decisions for facing and recovering from that disaster. After a disaster strikes, current news can be a lifeline! How will your workers get the latest news if they’re unable to get cellphone service? Two-way radios are a great idea, and so is an NOAA Weather Radio.

A little preparation can go a long way! Encourage your team to focus on their safety, and the safety of their families, this month so they can rest easy for many months to come.

ContractorHelpers.com is offered by Insurance Partners, Inc., which has specialized in contractors insurance for more than 35 years. If you have questions about your contractors insurance coverage, contact us.