Personal protective equipment is only part of what keeps workers safe.

Don’t Keep Workers in Suspense

In any workplace, employers want to help employees steer clear of falls—but in the construction industry, where it’s not unusual to work at heights, fall protection is vital.

That’s where safety devices like fall arrest systems come into play. If a worker falls, this system will keep the worker suspended in an upright position.

Sounds great, right? But there’s a problem: suspension trauma. Remaining in this position, with legs dangling, can lead to the pooling of blood in the legs and can deprive the brain of oxygen, causing the worker to faint. Serious problems can result if the worker remains suspended for a long period. And even after rescue, if the blood is allowed to flow back into the body too rapidly (reflow syndrome), the brain and organs can be damaged, and death can result.

The best advice is to avoid suspension trauma altogether. Here are some tips.

  • Develop procedures to rescue suspended workers quickly.
  • Train workers on rescue procedures, and how to avoid reflow syndrome (for instance, encouraging rescued workers to sit in a chair or on the floor, but not to lie down after being rescued).
  • Take precautions to reduce or eliminate suspension trauma, such as adding foot straps to fall arrest systems.
  • Train workers on ways to avoid suspension trauma, such as pumping the leg muscles (like pedaling a bike) while they are suspended, and making use of footholds or handgrips to provide support for muscle pumping.
  • Get immediate medical attention for the rescued worker. is a service of Insurance Partners, Inc., which has been providing quality protection for contractors for more than 35 years. California contractors insurance specialists work with companies on everything from California general liability and California workers compensation insurance to contractor bonds and a “pay as you sell” liability insurance program designed especially for homebuilders. If you have questions about your contractor insurance coverage, contact us.

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