Better Safety Through Ergonomics

We’ll just come right out and say it: construction is one of the most dangerous industries to work in.

That, you are probably well aware of. What you may not know is that ergonomics can play a big part in helping protect workers from injury—particularly sprains and strains, which account for 38 percent of all injuries in the workplace.

Ergonomics is the scientific study of how workplace equipment can best be designed or arranged for efficiency, safety, comfort, and productivity. You may believe this is really focused on office workers; after all, chair and computer screen height and the use of a computer mouse get an awful lot of ergonomic attention. But the fact is that there are many tools and products available to help workers do their jobs with greater comfort—even on the construction site (for instance, tools with handles that are easy to grip).

But you may not even need special tools to help your workers stay safe on the job. They may just need a reminder about the proper way to lift, push, pull, carry, hold, and grip so they don’t put excessive strain on limbs, neck, and lower back.

To protect your employees and reduce the number of injuries in the workplace, make sure they are aware of safe lifting techniques:

  • Place your feet apart for good balance.
  • Bend your knees.
  • Keep the load close to the center of your body.
  • Use smooth, gradual motions.
  • Avoid twisting your back.

You can also help reduce on-the-job sprains and strains if you:

  • Organize storage areas by weight, with heavier items between knee and chest levels to minimize lifting.
  • Use a ladder or stepstool to reach items on higher shelves.
  • Use safe lifting techniques.
  • Use dollies whenever possible.
  • If an item is too heavy, ask for help. is a service of Insurance Partners, Inc., which has been providing quality protection for contractors for more than 35 years. California contractors insurance specialists work with companies on everything from California general liability and California workers compensation insurance to contractor bonds and a “pay as you sell” liability insurance program designed especially for homebuilders. If you have questions about your contractor insurance coverage, contact us.


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